One day Ah Beng decided to go to Seri Kembangan Jaya Jusco. He travled from PJ and have to go thru 2 PLUS tolls. Each time he pay his toll, he will receive a ticket in which he immediately throw away from his car. However, there were policemen saw his actions and stop him.
Policemen : Sila tunjuk IC and Lesen memandu
Ah Beng : Ini IC dan lesen pandu. Tuan, saya tarak pandu laju laju, kenapa berhenti saya.
Policemen : Saya bukan tahan lu pasal laju. Saya tahan lu pasal lu buang sampah dekat highway ini.
Ah Beng : Oh.. macam ini ka. Ini jalan kerajaan punya ka?
Policemen : Bukan kerajaan lar.. PLUS punya...
Ah Beng : Kalau gitu,apasal tuan tahan sama saya. Tuan sudah cakap ini PLUS punya jalanraya. Lagipun saya sudah bayar untuk mereka maintain ini jalanraya. Jadi saya boleh buang saja ticket ini supaya mereka boleh maintain setiap hari mah...
Poicemen : Fainted!
1 comment:
Hi Derrick,
Sorry for posting this message here - couldn't find your contact info at the blog.
I saw your success report at yellowsn0w blog and wanted to get in touch with you to find out if yellowsn0w is working fine for your iPhone 3G running hotlink.
Do you have any problems so far using the unlock? i.e. after subsequent phone power offs/reboot, do you need to reinsert sim again, turn certain services on/off or run yellowsn0w commands at the terminal? Have there been any moments where your phone lost signal or had problems?
Thanks a lot for your feedback. Please reply directly to my email - chunhoh [at]
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