Thursday, September 27, 2007

Astrocannaut aka Tumpangnaut

Year 1961, Russia send the first cosmonauts (Yuri gagarin) into earth orbit using Russian spacecraft called Vostok 3KA-2. It was piloted by Yuri as well.

Year 1962, US send the first astronauts (Alan Shepard ) into earth orbit using spacecraft Freedom 7 . The space craft was piloted by Alan as well.

Year 2003, China send first taikongnauts (Yang Li Wei) into earth orbit using spacecraft Long March 2F. It was piloted by Yang as well.

Year 2007, Malaysia send first Astrocanornauts aka tumpangnauts (Dr Shukor) into earth orbit. He did not piloted the aircraft. Only tumpang as what has said in nasa website 'spaceflight participants' under agreement with Russia conditions.

If you go to this NASA website, you can find out all the biography of each astronaut that are going to to the 16th Expedition except one. So which one was it?


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